
Jumat, 26 Februari 2016


 Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

-Diberitahukan kepada sejawat, bahwasanya perki akan mengadakan pelatihan acls lagi.
Waktu : selama 3 hari, jadwal resmi ACLS UMY
1. 4-6 Maret 2016 (kuota habis)
2. 3-5 Juni 2016
3. 2-4 September 2016
4. 28-30 Oktober 2016
5. 2-4 Desember 2016

Tempat : digedung osce center pku gamping. kuota terbatas 35 orang/kelas.
-pendaftaran dan info hubungi dr. nora (Telp-WA : 085729003415 / idline: noraekanugraha).
-berminat bisa nyicil 500K dulu (untuk boking kursi, sisanya 2500K bisa dilunasi sampai hari-H pelatihan).
-Pembayaran ACLS Rp. 3.000.000,00 Ke Rekening a.n APKKM (PELATIHAN) Bank Syariah Mandiri KK UMY Yogyakarta no. Rek: 7080 474 077 atau pembayaran secara tunai ke sdri Mindar Dwi Astuti di Lt.3 Gedung F3 Dekanat FKIK UMY. Bukti transfer difoto/capture kirim ke WA sdri. mindar- 081328793077.

Ket :
- bisa memakai ijazah s1 atau profesi (sambil nunggu ukmppd bisa ikut). Sertifikat keluar dg gelar MD.
- sertifikat langsung dari perki- 14 SKP. Langsung jadi.
- instruktur oleh Sp.JP.
- modul langsung bisa diambil/dikirim via POS setelah dp.

Pelatihan Dokter K3 (Hiperkes)

Pelatihan Dokter K3(Hiperkes) yogyakarta JANUARI-DESEMBER 2016 tempat dibalai hiperkes jogja Jl. Ireda No. 38-Yogyakarta (tentative) dg biaya Rp 1.750.000 ditransfer ke rek mandiri a/n dedet wigar tarekat 1370011432230.

Pendaftaran dan info hub dr.Nora (HP / WA : 085729003415 /idline : noraekanugraha).

- setiap bulan kami rutin mengadakan pelatihan, dg waktu yg berbeda (setiap bulan selalu ada pelatihan).
- saat ini kuota masih banyak,
- yg msh nunggu ukmppd boleh ikut serta, nanti memakai ijazah s1.
- sertifikat hiperkes berlaku seumur hidup. 12 SKP IDI.
-harap konfirmasi dulu sebelum transfer (hub dr nora), untuk estimasi kuota dan kirim identitas dg format :
*Nama lengkap dg gelar / asal fk / alamat / No HP *
- Stlh transfer silahkan kirim foto bukti transfer via WA atau line.
- bukti transfer yg asli harap disimpan untuk keperluan registrasi ulang dijogja.
-Syarat yg harus disiapkan untuk registrasi ulang di jogja :
1. Bukti transfer asli
2. Foto 3x4 warna sebanyak 5 lembar background MERAH
3. Fotokopi ijasah s1 / profesi 2 lembar.
- ayo buruan daftar dan sekalian liburan dijogja, kita bantu mencari penginapan atau hotel.

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Your car could be stolen if you don't remember this!

Imagine that your vehicle was taken! When you visit the police, they inquire about a specific "VIN lookup"

A VIN decoder: What is it?

Similar to a passport, the "VIN decoder" allows you to find out when the car was born and who its "parent"( manufacturing plant) is. You can also find out:

1.Type of engine

2.Model of a vehicle

3.The DMV's limitations

4.The number of drivers in this vehicle

You'll be able to locate the car, and keeping in mind the code ensures your safety. The code can be examined in the online database. The VIN is situated on various parts of the car to make it harder for thieves to steal, such as the first person's seat on the floor, the frame (often in trucks and SUVs), the spar, and other areas.

What happens if the VIN is harmed on purpose?

There are numerous circumstances that can result in VIN damage, but failing to have one will have unpleasant repercussions because it is illegal to intentionally harm a VIN in order to avoid going to jail or the police. You could receive a fine of up to 80,000 rubles and spend two years in jail. You might be held up on the road by a teacher.


The VIN decoder may help to save your car from theft. But where can you check the car reality? This is why we exist– VIN decoders!

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